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I'll help you achieve a balanced and harmonious life through Feng Shui.
Physicists now confirm that everything is made of energy & everything is connected. So when we colour, shape or position anything in our environment we are changing the energy/chi.
Let's change the energy & change your life today.

Both our conscious & unconscious mind has a fundamental need to feel safe, secure & supported by a healthy and well balanced environment, that's in harmony with all the elements.
In order for us to create a prosperous and healthy life.
Gary Hawkes | Mr Feng Shui
How a face to face
consultation works
1. Once you've booked in your consultation we'll have a session where we discuss your project/ property & your personal requirements.
3. I'll visit you and survey the property, draw up the site plans.
2. After receiving your personalised quote & time frames, you'll confirm your booking.
4. From there I'll implement the Bagua, then impart the Feng shui recommendations.
How Remote consultation works
1. Once you've booked in your consultation we'll have a session where we discuss you & understand why you need more balance in your life.
3. I'll review the Feng Shui of your property based on step 2 & provide you with detailed instruction on how to best balance & harmonise the space.
2. I'll require you send a sketched floor plan, compass direction of your property paired with some photographic images.
4. Once you've received the detailed Feng Shui instructions we'll have another consultation via phone or video to talk you through the process.
Consider the design & construction of your building, in order to re-channel the energy to balance & harmonise with the five elements; Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood.
Gary J Hawkes Feng Shui practice is Five Element Shen Dao.
By incorporating the old Native American, Celtic and Chinese systems, along with a new understanding and practice he has developed ways to address the issues of the modern world & its effect on your health & wellbeing.
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